Registered Charity Number 1143345

100% of donations goes to well projects

Well in use

Can you help provide clean water in West Africa?

£1 can make the difference!

Can you help provide clean water in West Africa?

£1 can make the difference!

Latest news

We have seen the blessing of God very much over the last few years. The work of Myra's Wells has expanded beyond anything that we could have imagined 10 years ago!

To help you join with us in thanking the Lord for what is being done, here is the latest news. New wells being drilled, reports of wells previously drilled, fundraising initiatives etc.

We try to add news items every few days.

New well at Pefrou

Why they needed a new well at Pefrou Pefrou is a village in Burkina Faso. Here are pictures of … Read More...