Do you think clean water will help to unite this village in Burkina Faso?
We do. Here is why.
Basanwara is a village of about 2250 people. But it is spread out over some distance – around 3km from end to end. The population is a mixture of tribes, Gouroussi, Mossi and Fulani. Some of this population changes during the year. The soil is rich and good for cultivation. But water is the problem.

There was a well at one end of the village. But it is 3km from one end to the other. On top of that, tribal divisions prevented half the population having access to the well. The rainy season makes it possible to grow crops during the summer, but what about the other 9 months of the year? Then the only source of water was the river. And water from the river is dirty which brings disease – or worse. For these reasons, some of the people had to leave for most of the year.

You probably won’t be able to find Basanwara on a map. It is very remote. So it has been a real pleasure to be able to drill a well here on 27th April this year. The drilling company struck good clean water at only 49 metres and the flow is 1500 litres per hour.
Here is the new well.
This well will be available for all the tribes to use. Myra’s Wells is a Christian charity. We insist that water is free to everyone, whatever the religious or ethnic background with no restriction. So now, the people can stay all year round and continue to grow their crops.

Before we drilled the well, the people of the village had been asking for a church. We hope that the well will make that possible too. And if it does, the pastor will be able to make sure that the well is kept in good order and will be open for all to use.

That is why we believe clean water will help to unite this village in Burkina Faso. We have seen it in happen in other places. There is no reason why it can’t happen here too.
There are many more villages like this!
Maybe you would like to help us repeat this in other villages? If so, click here to find out how to donate to Myra’s Wells. 100% of your donation goes to wells projects because all other costs are paid by our trustees.