We take it for granted in the UK. We turn on the tap and water comes out. On the rare occasions when that doesn’t happen, we complain. What we forget is that water is a gift from God. This is a story about a well that Myra’s Wells provided in a village in Burkina Faso called Vara. It shows how providing a well brings different sections of a community together.
The situation at Vara before the well was drilled

Vara is a large village – perhaps 3000 people live there. It is over 200 km from Ouagadougou. The nearest source of clean water used to be at a school about 4km from where some of the people live. With God’s help, in April 2017, Myra’s Wells drilled a new well in the village. They now have a plentiful supply of water for drinking, cooking and washing. Livestock benefits from having enough water. Crops can be grown all the year round, not just in the rainy season. Truly, water is a gift from God.
What a difference it has made in the village!
We asked the pastor of the church there about his situation. This is what he told Michel, one of our volunteers in Burkina Faso:

Before the well, the village people wanted him to leave the village because they did not like Christians and did not want the church to be in their village. “After the well was drilled, there is no problem with them. They are now our friends!”
Michel asked him, “Some of them became your friends now?” He said, “All of them. They are no more enemies. The well has opened a door for the gospel. People come to my house regularly to visit me now. Before the well the church members were about 160 and today we have about 230 participants for the Sunday service.”
How do we know this water is a gift from God?

Again, let the pastor tell the story!
“When we first drilled, the borehole was negative – no water. The chief’s son came and mocked me. He said, ‘Why don’t you pray for your empty well so water will come out?’ He did not know God was in control – he did not expect a second try. The second well was positive with a lot of water. Last month this man and his family gave their lives to the Lord Jesus. comes 3 times a week to my house to talk with me now.”
What other benefits are there with having a proper well and pump?

Michel asked the pastor, “What do you use the well for? Only for drinking?” He said, “Before the well, at this time from February, it was almost impossible to get water even for drinking. However, since we have a well, I can grow vegetables to sell. I do this to pay my children’s school fees now. I have also started breeding animals. We have about 10 families who moved to live near the church because there is water. The well has changed my life positively. Personally, I became a friend of all the village. The chief respects me now. I can earn money and look after my family well.”
Water is a gift from God for the whole community.
More places where it has been proved that water is a gift from God
There are now 178 wells on the full list of wells that Myra’s Wells has provided. Click this link to view the list which has links to some other stories.