The village of Yambelga had a well that could not be used. Mind you, it was only an open well anyway. So, the water in it was usually dirty. “Why could they not use it?” we hear you ask. “Because the shepherds would not let them!” we have to say. It was for their sheep and goats.
A well that could not be used. That is ridiculous!
This seemed to us to be a very peculiar situation! There was water in the village (although dirty), but the people took second place to the livestock. “Was there an alternative?” is the logical next question. And the answer is “Yes, there was. But it was 6km away.”
This alternative source was a proper well with a pump. But it was in another village and there were many people living there. So, there was bound to be a queue. This is what the request form says: “It is necessary to get up early and wait for hours and hours. Those who are impatient have to return without water.” I rather think I would have been amongst the impatient ones.
Was there any other alternative?

For a few months of the year, there was another open well “only” 2 km away. Still a good half hour’s walk both ways. But, as the dry season progressed, it dried up. And the water in it was dirty.
A new well
It is stories like this that spur us on at Myra’s Wells to try to help as many people as we can. You may notice that the previous paragraphs have been phrased in the past tense. How could we just stand by and ignore a situation in which there was a well that could not be used.
Many places in Burkina Faso are becoming dangerous to go to. But in early December 2018, a drilling company agreed to travel to Yambelga. By the end of the day, a new borehole had been sunk. It took two attempts. The first borehole was dry. But the second borehole produced water at a depth of 57 metres. The usual flow rate test showed the supply to be 1800 litres per hour which is sustainable and very adequate.
A few days later, after testing in Ougadougou, the water was declared pure. Then the construction team went and fitted the pump and built the surrounding wall.

Before this well was provided, the request form tells us that the village was deserted because everyone was out looking for water. Now, the people are able to be at home. They will be able to concentrate on making a living and enjoying their own village life. We hear that there is a good community spirit.
Well number 129 “John & Sylvia’s Well”
Once again, this well has been provided by one of our very generous supporters and we thank him very much for his amazing support. This well is number 129 on our full list which you can see on this link. The well which could not be used has been superseded by a well that can be used by anyone. And it has clean water in place of dirty water. As always, we recognised God’s blessing in the provision of water. May the people at Yambelga also come to see God’s provision of “living water”.