April was a busy month in Burkina Faso for Myra’s Wells
The story of the first week can be seen in this post. This is what happened since then.
9th April 2021 – Well blessing at Palpagdo

Whenever possible, we like to have a “Well Blessing” at new wells. These are opportunities to tell the people who will use the well that this is God’s provision for them. As a Christian charity, this is important to us. Today, a message arrived from Christine. The church in Ouagadougou had planned a Well Blessing at Palpagdo. This what Christine said:
“A Well Blessing is planned for 10th and 11th April. This is a special well! It is well number 200 for Myra’s Wells. The supply was good enough to support a small water tower. The people have the luxury (in Burkina Faso, it is a luxury!) of being able to turn a tap and have clean water to drink.”
Here are pictures from this happy time when many people said they wanted to become Christians.
Well number 200 was an amazing milestone! Christine said:
“I still remember a voice saying. ‘I don’t have money to do a well at Zongo school!’ Forget it. Today we have over 200. We all agree that it is God’s powerful hand. We want to praise his name and tell everyone his goodness.”
Christine sent us a video of the children celebrating the new water tower. Click this link to watch it on YouTube.
19th April 2021 – News from Zongo
We received pictures from the first well – drilled at Zongo in October 2006. The government has since put in a supply of water – but it is unreliable. Today, Christine went to see the school that she and Michel started and still run. The government’s supply had failed. So, the pump at Zongo was still being much used!
In the background of the left hand picture, you can see the original classrooms that Eddie saw when he decided to drill a well here in 2006. That was well number 1!
20th April 2021 – Disappointment
The busy month continued. This message arrived from Christine.

This message is always disappointing – but sometimes it is more disappointing than other times. This place was one where we badly wanted to give the people water. As always on these occasions, we took it to God in prayer.
21st April 2021 – Joy to replace the disappointment!
Another message arrived from Christine:

It has been said in the past – “Our disappointments are His appointments”
22nd April 2021 – Even more joy!
Another message arrived from Christine:

We must emphasise that this is God’s doing. It is good to hear that He has given success where another organisation was not successful – but it is to His glory. Myra’s Wells is just a channel.
Here are pictures that we received from the new well at Tougri.

29th April 2021 – But we are not always successful.
Today there was real disappointment. The drillers had to leave another place in the south east without finding water. Although they had tried in three different spots, there was no water.
It is very rare for us to try four times but this may be an exception. We have asked Christine to talk to the drilling company. If they will offer us a final “2 for 1” offer we may go back and try again.
30th April 2021 – End of a busy month in Burkina Faso

The drilling contractors went to Koadara. Here, there were already three proper drilled wells with pumps. However, they are all private wells and the village people are not allowed to use them except at special times. Most of the time, people had to use water from sources like this.
We were happy to hear the news, just after 5pm, that the borehole was successful. There is water at 59 metres depth and a good flow rate of 2400 litres/hour. The village chief came to watch the drilling.
We never mind having a busy month in Burkina Faso!
About Myra’s Wells
Myra’s Wells is Christian charity and we are quick to acknowledge God’s goodness and blessing. We thank God for the funds that have allowed the work to grow as it has. At the time of writing (June 2021), there were 210 wells on the list of wells completed. Click here to view the full list. Every penny received from public donation is used for the expressed purpose of providing clean water in Burkina Faso. Trustees pay all other costs, including admin and travel.